Step 1: Leak detection and location plumbing services. We perform a Hydrostatic Test on the house ($450). If the house water level drops during the Hydrostatic Test, the test is considered "failed" and we move on to Step 2.
Step 2:
FIRST, We run a camera down the line to see if we can tell what the problems are, as there may be roots, bellies and/or breaks in the line. This test is $300 for the first hour and $150 for each subsequent hour. If we have to pull other (standard) toilets, it's an additional $150, per toilet.
SECOND, We do Isolation Testing to figure out which line the leak is on. This test costs $500 for the first hour and $250 for each hour after that.
THIRD, We locate and mark the problem spots on the floor and/or ground. This costs $75 per problem spot.
Step 3: We give you an estimate for repair and/or replacement of the problem spots. It may involve digging or tunneling under the house. It may be a spot or section repair, or we may recommend total replacement of your sewer system. If you accept this separate estimate, we can schedule the work, often for the same week or the next week. If you do not accept the estimate, you pay only for steps 1 and 2.
Got a muddy yard but not sure what kind of leak you have? Read more here.
The Plumbinator Round Rock plumbers are experts in leak detection and cast iron sewer repair and replacement plumbing services. We partner with the best excavators in Austin who will quickly tunnel under the house, with minimal damage to your floors, and then we'll expertly replace just part, or all of, your sewer system.
If your Austin-area house was built 1950-1976, then you likely have a ticking time bomb under your slab in the form of cast iron sewer pipe. Cast iron only lasts 50 years, so it may already be time to fully replace before your house is flooded with sewage! It's not a question of IF, it's a question of WHEN. But until then, we can do spot and section repairs. Click here to read more.
Why completely replace, not just repair the pipe as needed?
Each repair causes the cast iron on either side of the break to turn into TWO new leaks later, as the weakened metal deteriorates from repeatedly coming into contact with the sewage running through it. The thousands you spend for leak detection plumbing services and fixes will be only stopgaps, and will actually make the situation worse, overall. You'll end up paying over and over for fixes until you finally have to completely replace the system anyway. Save money and get out ahead of the problem by replacing all of your cast iron sewer pipes at once, before they turn 50 years old.
Should I line my pipes with epoxy instead?
NO. You'll end up having to replace them anyway. Read more here to see why lining your pipes is not a solution.
We find it and we fix it.
Watch and listen to live footage from under a house where we're cutting out a bad section of cast iron
Our expert tunneling crew makes sure we have enough room under the house to do our jobs!